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2013年3月9日 星期六

遊艇設計 / 簡漢柏

Yacht Design Process

Owner's Mission Statement: The design process actually begins when a prospective client defines the purpose of their intended vessel and makes an initial inquiry. A few paragraphs that describe the vessel type, the intended function, size, styling, performance, materials, finish, interior layout... that is ordinarily sufficient. Easily sent by email, this is what we call an owner's concept or 'mission statement.'
Kasten Marine's Design Proposal: Those concepts, along with any specific equipment or machinery requirements will be our guide in order to create a written 'Design Proposal' usually sent by return email.

If our Design Proposal is accepted, we can then begin to create the best design solution to suit the owner's mission statement requests, as follows...

I. Design Concept

Preliminary Design Study: During our initial 'sketch-mode' design stage, we will create a proposed styling and layout for client approval. With some discussion, the original mission statement will be augmented to become a true 'Owner's Specification.'

Once approved, these preliminary design study drawings, along with the owner's specification become the basis for further development of the design.

II. Design Development

Design Development: Having established the basis for the design, the general styling, the layout and overall proportions, our preliminary design study becomes formalized. Dimensioned CAD drawings are developed in order to show the layout and styling in greater detail. When the final layout is settled, and the structure calculations completed, we will develop preliminary drawings of the structure.

Having developed accurate drawings that provide the overall picture and that bring the original strategy into sharper focus, we can calculate the preliminary vessel weight. With that information, preliminary hydrostatics, performance and powering, can be determined. This, taken together allows a final hull shape to be determined, including the final displacement and sail area.

An Equipment List is developed and the Owner's Specification is augmented in order to become a detailed preliminary Vessel Specification. Taken together, we call this the Estimating Plans Set. These drawings and documents are sufficient to allow a yard to develop a firm quote, so the search can begin to find the right yard for construction of the yacht.

III. Analysis & Detailed Design

Detailed Design: During this stage, having settled on the overall picture, a number of additional detailed design drawings will be prepared. Joinery, hatches, doors, ports, detailed structure drawings, mechanical layout drawings, rigging... all will be designed to work in harmony with the overall intent of the vessel.

Detailed Analysis: Concurrently with the detailed design drawings being created, the various analyses of structure, weights, centers, hydrostatics, stability, performance, powering, rigging, etc. all can be finalized - and those results carried back into the design.

This is the very essential but largely invisible and 'non-glorious' part of the design process...! A considerable number of final calculations are done more or less behind the scenes in order to verify what has been designed, and in order to provide the level of detail that will be required to actually build the yacht.

Final Design Documents: When completed, the basic Building Plans will consist of perhaps two dozen detailed engineering drawings, plus the final Vessel Specification and Equipment List. A number of other reports will accompany this package in order to document the results of the various analyses that have been done. At this point there is sufficient information to actually build the yacht.


IV. Production & Quality Assurance

Production Related Services: Although all of the subsequent 'Production Related Services' are entirely optional, we will ideally be asked to participate to some extent during the building of the vessel as well as in the steps leading up to process. A few of the services we can offer are:

Review: We can help review yard quotes and yard capabilities, and possibly help with final yard selection.

Construction: We can even begin to actually build the vessel right here on the computer. In so doing, we are able to leverage the CAD design work that has already been done and use the CAD model directly to drive production. By this means, accuracy and faithfulness to the original design are assured.

For metal yachts, we develop NC pre-cut parts, nested and ready for plasma or water-jet cutting. For fiberglass yachts, by this point we will already have developed an accurate 3-D model from which a mould or plug can be carved by 5-axis router - both for the hull and for the superstructures.

Quality Assurance: As a matter of course we will then follow through during the parts cutting and / or mould making in order to assure that those are accurately interpreted and cut, and that the materials spec is correct.

Builder Support: On request, in support of the yard we can develop detailed system schematics and a variety of shop drawings. On request, we can follow those through with yard visits for inspections as well. In this role we act as consultant and owner's representative, on an as-needed basis.

Documentation: If the vessel will be Classed, i.e. with Lloyds Register or ABS or Germanischer Lloyds, we can readily provide additional documentation according to the classification society's requested format. If the vessel will require a CE Mark for construction or ownership within the EU, we can provide the documentation to facilitate that process.

Sea Trials: On request we can also participate in sea-trials on the completed yacht for verification of performance, trim and seakeeping.


一家台灣自有品牌的遊艇廠(這個頗難得,因為台灣多半是負責製造,由國外品牌公司負責行銷 ),叫做嘉鴻遊艇(Horizon)Horizon遊艇的首頁設計十分有趣,結合了海洋場景,可以在之間自由移動,選取你想看的系列。


這也將是funny idea小部落格新的一系列介紹的開始,因為這兩年小弟對航海產生興趣,開始訂閱不少國外雜誌,慢慢對這個自古以來代表冒險精神的活動越來越有興趣。或許您會覺得這是有錢人的玩意兒,不過慢慢了解之後,您會知道這在國外算是蠻普遍的休閒活動。

Horizon,因為該公司甫於日前取得了SYBA的會員資格(這是超級遊艇協會Super Yacht Builders Association的簡稱 ),這是台灣遊艇廠製造能力的一個大指標!在此之前台灣的遊艇工業雖然發達,也製造了相當多的好船(將在日後一一介紹 ),但製造40公尺以上(131 )的超級遊艇機會卻不多,Horizon是少數有能力製造130呎以上superyacht的台灣廠商,確實也是另一種台灣之光。

Horizon目前的主力確實都放在大型動力遊艇,包含中大型的帥氣遊艇Elegance系列(有錢公子哥或者明星愛用,航行速度快、外型帥氣,把妹很好用.. . )、強調長航能力的Bandido系列、強調Family funVision系列,或者是超級富豪的Premier Dynasty系列等,都是需要一~三年的建造時間的中大型甚至megayacht,確實不是一般人能負擔的遊艇。但能夠成功搶下歐美市場,並且以自有品牌站穩腳步,的確是不容易的一件事。



Horizon也在日前更新的他們的官方網站,個人覺得以各家船隻製造廠來說,算是更新的相當好的!把海洋的情景整個融入到首頁中,設計的算是很到位,且一般想找船隻資訊的人很容易可以找到每種船型的完整資料,例如Layout平面設計圖、船隻本身的spec、圖庫等等。雖然全Flash網站對於搜尋引擎找資料來說是較為不利的,不過由於會找遊艇資料的人,多半是特定族群,比較少會有想google出一艘沒聽過的船隻的網友(畢竟是高單價品,且遊艇製造需時甚久,不是會輕易下單的物品,需要時間考慮 ) 十分推薦有興趣的網友!個人其實還蠻喜歡他們家船隻的內裝設計,看看每種船隻如何在有限空間中設計出睡艙、客廳、廚房、浴室等空間,並且還要讓它們實用、美觀且符合個人喜好,其實是一件挑戰!有興趣的朋友可以點選 Horizon網站看看該公司的網頁設計和船隻內裝



