CK Theory = Concept Knowledge Theory
CK Theory 顧名思義分為兩個區塊:概念和知識。運用簡單又有效果的模式,加上有邏輯的推理方式,產生具有創造力的想法概念。

Designing the unknown | C-K Theory Presentation
by CGS Mines ParisTech
Characteristics 特色
· Very abstract, may be difficult to understand
· Flexible
· Simple to use
· Not bounded to one field
CK Theory in a nutshell 簡而言之
The core idea of this framework is to separate concept and knowledge in two different spaces, and to keep in mind that the object of study never has invariant definitions and properties. For instance, the practitioner should not take for granted that a chair has legs or a surface to seat on. The definition of a chair may evolve to a more abstract thing like: “something that maintains the user in a vertical position effortlessly”.
CK Theory的核心想法就是將概念和知識分為兩個不同的空間,而且永遠記得研究中的物件的定義與屬性並不是不可變動的。舉例來說:不該理所當然的認為椅子是有椅腳支撐或有表面可以坐上去。對於椅子的定義可以用更抽象的概念例如:一種使用者可以維持垂直姿勢而不用費力的東西。
A concept is defined as a proposition that is neither true nor false. It might emerge from market needs, that is when a technical or market requirement is not satisfied by existing solutions/technologies. Basically you can remember that concept = idea. Concepts are gathered on the C-space.
Example: A chair without solid structure.
概念,是一種命題,沒有正確與錯誤的問題。它可能出現於市場需求,也就是當現有的解決方式與科技無法滿足技術與市場的需求。基本上可以記得concept = idea。概念們會集中匯聚在C-space中。
Knowledge is defined as the group of propositions with known logical status (we know if they are true or false): all that we (or the designer) know belongs to this. Knowledge is contained in the K-space.
Example: To be in equilibrium, an object (like a conventional chair) has to be isostatic.
Now that every proposition can put, stored, or categorized in one space or the other, we will define 4 operations that can be used between these spaces.
Conjunction (C->K): When a concept/idea is tested in reality, we come to know whether the proposition is true or not (if the idea is feasible). Consequently, the propostion becomes part of the knowledge and leaves the concept space, resulting in an expansionof the K-space.
Disjunction (K->C): This is the operation by which a new idea/concept can be generated from existing knowledge.
Concept expansion (C->C): When an idea is conceived based on another idea, there is a concept expansion. It is important for concept expansion to support, incentive, visualize this process, and leave behind all consideration such as feasibility or other limitation. This expansion can be guided by other frameworks/tools.
Knowledge expansion (K->K): This operation is the result of expansion of the knowledge by combination of it or new discoveries.
OK OK! I got it, so how can I use this? 好!我懂了,那我應該怎麼使用呢?
1. Start expressing a market/technical need and write it in C-space. You will probably base your concept on existing knowledge (solution/situation). Take a lamp for instance: it’s bulky, needs to be activated, does not light around the corner, needs power supply, is fragile, expensive, and so on. A first idea/concept would be “an apparatus that light a great area while being very small.” As you can see the concept is relative and is not defined according to specifications (10 lumen, less than 150cm3).
2. Express the existing knowledge associated. The solution here is not a lamp but the combination of technologies/knowledge. For example: “light is the set of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths from 380nm to780nm”; “light in any medium travels along a straight line from the source to any point in that medium”, or “the light bulb as to be screwed into a support”
3. With the knowledge, challenge the concept and formulate new ideas. we want the apparatus to light around the corner but “light in any medium travels along a straight line from the source to any point in that medium”, so we have 2 simple options: change the medium, or using multiple sources of light. We just generated 2 new concepts deviating from the previous one: “an apparatus that light a great area from multiple sources while being very small” and “an apparatus that light a great area using medium change to guide the light, and which is very small”. You don’t have to challenge your concepts with knowledge, you can expand your concept using any method you want.
4. Proceed this way as long as you can: expand the two spaces by knowledge description and concept generation. Brainstorming and similar methods (see other frameworks!) might be used to enhance the efficiency of the concept expansion.
5. When you have finished (or when you are satisfied with the current ideas), test your concepts in reality, to try to operate a conjunction. During this stage, you will probably need to look whether some technologies or principles do exist, which will result in a knowledge expansion. In such a case: oh surprise! new propositions in K-space are available, and so you can challenge again your ideas/concepts. (go back to point 3).
當你完成(或是當你滿意目前的想法),實際測試你的概念,嘗試操作結合。在這個階段,你可能需要查看這些科技或原則是否真的存在,這可能會讓你的知識領域擴展。如果是這樣的話:噢surprise! 新的命題可以被放到K-space中,於是你可以再次挑戰你的概念和想法(回到第3點)
6. If you have succeeded in operating a conjunction, you may have innovated! Congratulations. Otherwise try to redefine your market/technical need in a more abstract way and restart the process. For instance check that the vocabulary used does not refer to the existing solution, the case study: {object of study: a chair / original concept: “apparatus to seat on”} is a badly defined as “seating” refers to a position and “on” suggests there is something under the user. A modeling of the original concept in terms of functionality may help.

Crazy concept:

An example: (still with a lamp, but adapted to my situation)
This example is simplified because a complete case study would be really big.
This example is simplified because a complete case study would be really big.